2009年6月27日 星期六













我偷偷的用余光看着老爸拭泪,虽然冷血地承认我没有想哭的冲动,但是还是很心疼老爸。不过那只是我不想用更加悲观的角度去看这一切,毕竟 悲哀+悲哀=无限的伤痛,何必火上加油呢……





2009年6月9日 星期二


I’m tired of fooling myself,
Into believing what’s impossible,
But I had to hold on to the smallest possiblities,
Because I need to continue my journey.

I’m tired of listening to lies,
Told by my heart to my soul.
Lies that seems so real,
I couldn’t resist.

I’m tired of making wishes to the stars,
Tired of blowing birthday candles,
Tired of burning joss sticks,
As if that’s the only way.

I’m tired with my life,
Tired with everything in my life,
Tired with nothing in my life,
Tired to go on with my life.

I'm tired with my mind,
Tired of recalling the past,
Tired of leading the present,
Tired of thinking the future.

I guess I’m just tired.
Tired of letting go without hesitation,
Tired of forgetting something important forcefully,
Tired of accepting every single cruelty,
Tired of doing nothing to fate…

I guess I’m just tired.
I guess,
I’m just tired.

The secret of destiny

When life goes on,
There is always a special one,
That apears in front of you,
And greets you with a smile.

Is it destined for someone to meet another someone?
When life met its ups and downs,
Who will be the one that holds out their hands,
And will wait a lifetime for you to reach out?

Life has its own destinies,
Something so secret that cannot be revealed,
Yet we are willing to use our time in life,
To exchange for a secret that either glows or dims.

Destiny is not what you live for,
But something magical that lives for you.
Only time can show their existance,
And only you can understand its secret.

2009年6月8日 星期一


What is death? It’s a difficult topic for me.

Since I’m just a little girl, just around 7 years old, I already thought about death. I thought about why we struggle to live in this world where we all suffer from so many pain and sorrow, yet in the end we will face death, with nothing left out of our long struggle. So why in the first place that we live? Isn’t it better if there wasn’t a beginning because the ending is always so sad?

While thinking of death, I also thought about god, angel, devil, and so on, those make believe existance that we cannot varify. People said that if we pray, the god and angel will hear us out, and bless us with strength and wisdom to face any obstacles in our life. On the other hand, the devil will causes troubles and grievance to human, and even take away those we loved. There are also a lot of myth and legend, saying that the god fought with the devil, protecting us humans from being harmed by the devil. However, I couldn’t stop wondering, just like how other people couldn’t: Do they really exist? Are they really surrounding us? Are they really that powerful until we can’t resist to worship them or fear them? Until now, I have no answer to these questions.

I remember that I suffered from depression at that young age, but it didn’t last long until I recover. What I thought of the most is about death god, and, haha, I don’t even know where I heard that from, feels like it just pops into my head, I guess that’s how our ancestors got the idea about their maybe existance to begin with. Anyway, in my mind the death god is in black, with dark aura circulating around them, they are an existance with no breath, so light that even the wind can take them away. They stare at those whose life meets an end, and when the time comes, they take them away to a far place where we will never see them again. But to where? What had happened to them after death? Are they really taken to heaven or hell depending on the deeds they did in their lifetime? Or did they vanish into thin air just like how they were born into this world?

As time passed, these questions bother me a lot, but I managed to control these thoughts and avoided from falling into hyteric, which I’m very fortunate of. Thinking all those before I truly met death, in some way helped me to overcome the fear of death, and accept the fact that it is unavoidable for every one of us to die one day. That’s right, we will all die one day, the only difference is that when, where and how we die, that’s all. Even so, I still can’t stop the bad feelings roaring within me when I faced one, and I still can’t stop myself from thinking that a miracle will happen, though I know there’s nothing we can do to change death, a perpetual and undeniable truth.

Death is actually nothing to be afraid of, it’s just an end of one’s life cycle, where we return to our original position in this universe, but it doesn’t mean that we should give up our life when we knew that we’ll die one day, because that is something irresponsible, not only to the people around us, but also to ourself. So I guess it’s always better to think positive out of the worst. Since it’s unavoidable, why not just ignore it when we’re still alive, and enjoy our time on the face of the earth. But pay attention! Go see a doctor when you’re sick! If there’s a chance to live longer don’t hesitate! You never know that you might meet with something special when you survived, am I right?

I know that it’s easier said than done, death means that we will lose everything, how is it possible to not fear of death? Actually, I also think that it’s not a bad thing for people to fear death, because that can be a good reason why we’re alive today: we don’t wan to die, so we will fight to live. Haha, what do you know, what I’m saying contrast with each other big time. I guess it depends on the situation, ‘to fear or not to fear: that is the question’ (inspiration from shakesphere?), hahaha….

“Even the sun knew that one day he will die, yet he choose to live on with dignity, because he believes….” (my creation, haha!)

2009年6月7日 星期日

心理测验 解答篇







2009年6月5日 星期五


前天(6月2日)和高中同学17人一起到Damai Puri玩。原本是说要到Permai的,不知道为什么变成了Damai Puri……不过我到现在还是搞不太懂,那两个地方好像是同一个地方,为什么有这么多名字呢?

不管怎么样,总之我们就是到了海边去玩。一开始是玩沙滩排球(可是基本上是泡在海水里玩),后来因为中午很晒,大家受不了那份炎热,而把阵地转移到Jungle Pool那里去(简单说就是在森林里的人造小游泳池啦)。在那里很凉爽,水温嘛,感觉好像是快结冰的温度,怕冷的我自然是泡一下就爬出来了。


在Jungle Pool那里,我和敬珑他们聊天,聊到了升学的事情,心里真得很不是滋味。大家都有目标了,也在为自己的未来铺路,而我则在原地踏步。唉,真是失败!

后来洗了澡换完衣服,大家就分批去了Damai Puri的Lobby那里纳凉。玩牌的玩牌,睡觉的睡觉,我想大家都累了吧!后来我和敬珑在阳台拍照,那里风景很美,海风也超爽的。我们之后无意间也看到了会端一个人跑去旁边的游泳池,在好奇心的驱使下和阿廖一起跟了过去。


之后到Palm Garden吃午饭。听敬珑说她从小就常和家人到那里吃饭,所以已经和老板老板娘很熟了,老板娘还说敬珑是吃日本豆腐长大的,所以餐桌上自然少不了这道菜咯,哈哈!对于服务、整洁和菜肴,我挺满意的,所以给这家餐馆9/10^.^

